Kupatana’s focus is to build a world-class online buy and sell experience for classified ads in Tanzania. Now the mobile app for Android phones is launched, packed with different features that makes it easy to browse, buy, sell and manage your Kupatana experience whenever and wherever you are!
With the Kupatana app you can:
✓ Search, Buy or Make offers on unique items in Tanzania
✓ List your items for sale in minutes
✓ User Control Panel for easy management of items
✓ Leave feedback (companies)
✓ Follow your favorite searches
✓ Save interesting ads in your watchlist
Fokus Kupatana adalah untuk membangun buy online kelas dunia dan menjual pengalaman untuk iklan baris di Tanzania. Sekarang aplikasi mobile untuk ponsel Android diluncurkan, dikemas dengan fitur yang berbeda yang membuatnya mudah untuk mencari, membeli, menjual dan mengelola pengalaman Kupatana Anda kapanpun dan dimanapun Anda berada!
Dengan aplikasi Kupatana Anda dapat:
✓ Cari, Beli atau Membuat penawaran pada item yang unik di Tanzania
✓ Daftar item Anda untuk dijual dalam hitungan menit
✓ User Control Panel untuk memudahkan pengelolaan barang
✓ umpan balik Cuti (perusahaan)
✓ Ikuti pencarian favorit Anda
✓ Simpan iklan yang menarik dalam daftar pantauan Anda
Kupatana’s focus is to build a world-class online buy and sell experience for classified ads in Tanzania. Now the mobile app for Android phones is launched, packed with different features that makes it easy to browse, buy, sell and manage your Kupatana experience whenever and wherever you are!
With the Kupatana app you can:
✓ Search, Buy or Make offers on unique items in Tanzania
✓ List your items for sale in minutes
✓ User Control Panel for easy management of items
✓ Leave feedback (companies)
✓ Follow your favorite searches
✓ Save interesting ads in your watchlist